never executed always true always false
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 module AST.Listing where
4 import AST.V0_16
5 import Data.Map.Strict
8 -- | A listing of values. Something like (a,b,c) or (..) or (a,b,..)
9 data Listing a
10 = ExplicitListing a Bool
11 | OpenListing (C2 'BeforeTerm 'AfterTerm ())
12 | ClosedListing
13 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- TODO: is Ord needed?
15 mergeListing :: (a -> a -> a) -> Listing a -> Listing a -> Listing a
16 mergeListing merge left right =
17 case (left, right) of
18 (ClosedListing, ClosedListing) -> ClosedListing
19 (ClosedListing, OpenListing comments) -> OpenListing comments
20 (OpenListing comments, ClosedListing) -> OpenListing comments
21 (OpenListing (C (pre1, post1) ()), OpenListing (C (pre2, post2) ())) -> OpenListing (C (pre1 ++ pre2, post1 ++ post2) ())
22 (ClosedListing, ExplicitListing a multiline) -> ExplicitListing a multiline
23 (ExplicitListing a multiline, ClosedListing) -> ExplicitListing a multiline
24 (OpenListing comments, ExplicitListing _a _multiline) -> OpenListing comments
25 (ExplicitListing _a _multiline, OpenListing comments) -> OpenListing comments
26 (ExplicitListing a multiline1, ExplicitListing b multiline2) -> ExplicitListing (merge a b) (multiline1 || multiline2)
29 type CommentedMap k v =
30 Map k (C2 'BeforeTerm 'AfterTerm v)
32 mergeCommentedMap :: Ord k => (v -> v -> v) -> CommentedMap k v -> CommentedMap k v -> CommentedMap k v
33 mergeCommentedMap merge left right =
34 let
35 merge' (C (pre1, post1) a) (C (pre2, post2) b) =
36 C (pre1 ++ pre2, post1 ++ post2) (merge a b)
37 in
38 unionWith merge' left right
41 -- | A value that can be imported or exported
42 data Value
43 = Value !LowercaseIdentifier
44 | OpValue SymbolIdentifier
45 | Union (C1 'AfterTerm UppercaseIdentifier) (Listing (CommentedMap UppercaseIdentifier ()))
46 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- TODO: is Ord needed?