never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    4 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
    5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    6 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
    7 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
    8 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
   10 module AST.Structure
   11     ( FixAST, ASTNS, ASTNS1
   12     , foldReferences
   13     , bottomUpReferences
   14     , mapNs
   15     ) where
   18 import Data.Coapplicative
   19 import Data.Foldable (fold)
   20 import Data.Functor.Const
   21 import AST.V0_16
   22 import qualified Data.Indexed as I
   25 -- FixAST :: (* -> *) -> * -> * -> * -> NodeKind -> *
   26 type FixAST annf typeRef ctorRef varRef =
   27     I.Fix annf (AST typeRef ctorRef varRef)
   29 -- ASTNS :: (* -> *) -> * -> NodeKind -> *
   30 type ASTNS annf ns =
   31     FixAST annf (ns, UppercaseIdentifier) (ns, UppercaseIdentifier) (Ref ns)
   33 -- This is the same as ASTNS, but with the first level unFix'ed
   34 -- ASTNS1 :: (* -> *) -> * -> NodeKind -> *
   35 type ASTNS1 annf ns =
   36     AST
   37         (ns, UppercaseIdentifier)
   38         (ns, UppercaseIdentifier)
   39         (Ref ns)
   40         (ASTNS annf ns)
   43 bottomUpReferences ::
   44     (Functor annf) =>
   45     (typeRef1 -> typeRef2)
   46     -> (ctorRef1 -> ctorRef2)
   47     -> (varRef1 -> varRef2)
   48     -> (forall kind.
   49         FixAST annf typeRef1 ctorRef1 varRef1 kind
   50         -> FixAST annf typeRef2 ctorRef2 varRef2 kind
   51        )
   52 bottomUpReferences ftr fcr fvr =
   53     I.cata (I.Fix . fmap (mapAll ftr fcr fvr id))
   56 foldReferences ::
   57     forall a annf typeRef ctorRef varRef kind.
   58     (Monoid a, Coapplicative annf) =>
   59     (typeRef -> a) -> (ctorRef -> a) -> (varRef -> a)
   60     -> FixAST annf typeRef ctorRef varRef kind -> a
   61 foldReferences ftype fctor fvar =
   62     getConst . I.cata (foldNode  . extract)
   63     where
   64         -- This is kinda confusing, but we use the Const type constructor to merge all the different NodeKinds into a single type `a`
   65         -- See for relevant details.
   66         foldNode :: forall kind'. AST typeRef ctorRef varRef (Const a) kind' -> Const a kind'
   67         foldNode = \case
   68             TopLevel tls -> Const $ foldMap (foldMap getConst) tls
   70             -- Declarations
   71             Definition name args _ e -> Const (getConst name <> foldMap (getConst . extract) args <> getConst e)
   72             TypeAnnotation _ t -> Const (getConst $ extract t)
   73             CommonDeclaration d -> Const $ getConst d
   74             Datatype _ ctors -> Const (foldMap (getConst . fold) ctors)
   75             TypeAlias _ _ t -> Const (getConst $ extract t)
   76             PortAnnotation _ _ t -> Const (getConst t)
   77             PortDefinition_until_0_16 _ _ e -> Const (getConst e)
   78             Fixity_until_0_18 _ _ _ _ name -> Const (fvar name)
   79             Fixity _ _ _ _ -> mempty
   81             -- Expressions
   82             Unit _ -> mempty
   83             Literal _ -> mempty
   84             VarExpr var -> Const $ fvar var
   85             App first rest _ -> first <> mconcat (fmap extract rest)
   86             Unary _ e -> e
   87             Binops first ops _ -> Const (getConst first <> foldMap foldBinopsClause ops)
   88             Parens e -> extract e
   89             ExplicitList terms _ _ -> fold terms
   90             Range left right _ -> extract left <> extract right
   91             Tuple terms _ -> mconcat $ fmap extract terms
   92             TupleFunction _ -> mempty
   93             Record _ fields _ _ -> foldMap (extract . _value) fields
   94             Access e _ -> e
   95             AccessFunction _ -> mempty
   96             Lambda args _ e _ -> Const (foldMap (getConst . extract) args <> getConst e)
   97             If cond elsifs els -> Const (foldIfClause cond <> foldMap (foldIfClause . extract) elsifs <> getConst (extract els))
   98             Let defs _ e -> Const (foldMap getConst defs <> getConst e)
   99             LetCommonDeclaration d -> Const $ getConst d
  100             LetComment _ -> mempty
  101             Case (cond, _) branches -> Const (getConst (extract cond) <> foldMap getConst branches)
  102             CaseBranch _ _ _ p e -> Const (getConst p <> getConst e)
  103             GLShader _ -> mempty
  105             -- Patterns
  106             Anything -> mempty
  107             UnitPattern _ -> mempty
  108             LiteralPattern _ -> mempty
  109             VarPattern _ -> mempty
  110             OpPattern _ -> mempty
  111             DataPattern ctor args -> Const (fctor ctor <> foldMap (getConst . extract) args)
  112             PatternParens p -> extract p
  113             TuplePattern terms -> foldMap extract terms
  114             EmptyListPattern _ -> mempty
  115             ListPattern terms -> foldMap extract terms
  116             ConsPattern first rest -> extract first <> fold rest
  117             EmptyRecordPattern _ -> mempty
  118             RecordPattern _ -> mempty
  119             Alias p _ -> extract p
  121             -- Types
  122             UnitType _ -> mempty
  123             TypeVariable _ -> mempty
  124             TypeConstruction name args _ -> Const (foldTypeConstructor name <> foldMap (getConst . extract) args)
  125             TypeParens typ -> extract typ
  126             TupleType terms _ -> foldMap extract terms
  127             RecordType _ fields _ _ -> foldMap (extract . _value) fields
  128             FunctionType first rest _ -> extract first <> fold rest
  130         foldTypeConstructor :: TypeConstructor typeRef -> a
  131         foldTypeConstructor = \case
  132             NamedConstructor name -> ftype name
  133             TupleConstructor _ -> mempty
  135         foldBinopsClause :: BinopsClause varRef (Const a 'ExpressionNK) -> a
  136         foldBinopsClause = \case
  137             BinopsClause _ op _ e -> fvar op <> getConst e
  139         foldIfClause :: IfClause (Const a 'ExpressionNK) -> a
  140         foldIfClause = \case
  141             IfClause cond els -> getConst (extract cond) <> getConst (extract els)
  144 mapNs ::
  145     Functor annf =>
  146     (ns1 -> ns2)
  147     -> (forall kind.
  148         ASTNS annf ns1 kind
  149         -> ASTNS annf ns2 kind
  150        )
  151 mapNs f =
  152     let
  153         mapTypeRef (ns, u) = (f ns, u)
  154         mapCtorRef (ns, u) = (f ns, u)
  155         mapVarRef (VarRef ns l) = VarRef (f ns) l
  156         mapVarRef (TagRef ns u) = TagRef (f ns) u
  157         mapVarRef (OpRef op) = OpRef op
  158     in
  159     bottomUpReferences mapTypeRef mapCtorRef mapVarRef